What is a Family Office?

What Is a Family Office?

A Family Office is a synergistic structure that provides comprehensive tax planning, wealth management, legal and tax compliance, risk management, and estate planning services for high-net-worth individuals and families. The primary purpose of a family office is to manage and preserve the wealth of a family across generations. Family offices are typically established by families with substantial assets and complex financial needs.

Pogosian Tax Planning Intro to Family Office—wealthy family on boat.
Pogosian Tax Planning Intro to Family Office—family office meeting.

Types of Family Offices

Single-Family Office (SFO)

A single-family office serves the financial needs of a single (usually ultra-wealthy) family exclusively. It is a private organization tailored to the specific needs and goals of that family.

Multi-Family Office (MFO)

A multi-family office serves multiple wealthy (or even upper middle-class) families by pooling resources and expertise to provide a range of financial services. MFOs offer economies of scale and can be a cost-effective option for families with less extensive needs or assets.